A Trouser once torn (on the NEET fiasco)

I insist that NTA is all right. But the exams conducted by them are not quite all right. Except the NEET, that is. In which there has been no leak. Except for a small one in Bihar, that is. It is a stray incident, one-off. Small matter that leak to one is still a leak….

Phalodi Satta Bazar Predictions over Exit Polls- Death of Media and Social Media?

Only a country suffused with very high dose of cynicism would place its trust on electoral predictions of a Satta Bazar, rather than paying heed to deep political analysis and seat-wise exit polls offered by professional pollsters and seasoned journalists. Jodhpur’s Phalodi Satta Bazar now enjoys veritable cult status in India. It’s the fucking gold…

ध्यान दें, ध्यान न करें – अकारण चिल्लपौं

चुनाव के अंतिम चरण से पहले मुख्य विवाद इस बात पर है कि “प्रधान महाशय, आप ध्यान करने क्यूँ बैठ रहे हैं? अरे भाई, बैंकॉक जाना चाहिए”। खानदानी, नामदार लोग थकान मिटाने और स्फूर्ति पाने के लिए थाईलैंड जाते हैं । ध्यानरत भी आप ऐसे स्थान पर होना चाहते हैं जहां स्वामी विवेकानन्द ने 1892…

No Tears for KL Rahul – Congratulations Sanjiv Goenka for keeping it Real

Conscience is a discerning bitch. It bites hard when there is no fear of reprisal, or when her food prospects do not face any kind of threat. For the past couple of days, cricket moralists, sport enthusiasts, dignity flag-bearers and peddlers of unrequited gratis opinion are up in arms against Sanjiv Goenka for publicly lambasting…

जब पुराने क्रिकेट मैच उपलब्ध हैं तो कोई आईपीएल नौटंकी क्यूँ देखे ?

कल साँझ खाली बैठे-बैठे आईपीएल देखने लगा । बमुश्किल चार ओवर का खेल देखकर मन भर गया । चौबीस गेंदों में हिटमैनों ने सात छक्के और चार चौके औंक दिये । लेकिन गोलंदाज सुताई खाकर अवसाद में नहीं चले गए । वे मशीनमोड में गेंदे फेंकते रहे । उनकी शक्लों पर मुझे चिंता का कोई…

Ambedkar’s Resignation- A Missing Letter, An Articulate Speech

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar resigned from Union Cabinet on September 27, 1951. The PM requested him to remain in office till the end of the running session, which was acceded to by Babasaheb. The copy of his Resignation Letter is not available anywhere. Being a scrupulous public personality, Ambedkar did not keep a personal copy to…

टांय टांय फिस्स- पंकज त्रिपाठी ने ‘मैं अटल हूँ’ की डुबोई लुटिया  

पंकज त्रिपाठी मेरे प्रिय समकालीन अभिनेताओं में से हैं । मानता हूँ उनकी रेंज बहुत अधिक नहीं है, परंतु सहज भाव , सुहृदयता, सादगी, ईमानदारी और अथक परिश्रम उनके व्यक्तित्व और कलाकारी से सदैव झलकते रहे हैं । वाजपेयी के रूप में जब उनकी कास्टिंग हुई थी तो यह अंदेशा नहीं था कि इस प्रक्रिया…

DEGENERATION of & DISPLAY in Modern Hindu Marriages

Ostentatious display of wealth in most crass and tasteless manner aside, I am shocked by the complete Bollywoodization of contemporary Hindu marriages. Right from the attires of prominent attendees to serving of food, choice of background music, absence of Vedic dhwanis and mantraochchar from the ambience, total disappearance of traditional musical instruments like jal-tarang, shehnai, dholak…

When Kapil Dev killed a Seagull- Facts sprinkled with Fiction

Kapil Dev once shed copious tears on the Tele while he was being grilled over his alleged involvement in match-fixing. “What caused you to well-up, Sir? Surely, you were aware beforehand that spewing bile from his mouth is Karan Thapar’s chief occupation-cum-primary hobby”. “Oh, it was not about him. He is a known buffoon. You…

Makhan Lal Fotedar’s Chinar Leaves- A Parivar-darbari’s Memoirs

Makhan Lal Fotedar had shed copious tears when the disputed structure was razed down at Ayodhya on December 6, 1992. This confession is enough to establish the presence of deeply embedded seeds of slavery inside this Kashmiri Pandit, born in Mattan (Anantanag) in 1932 (died in 2017). Fotedar never once set his feet in Ayodhya,…

Bhakshak (2024): Some Unanswered Questions & Random Thoughts

Brajesh Thakur was a prototype presstitute. In a disgusting turn of events, he played a sampler and a pimp to the powerful men of his town as well. He has already been convicted by Saket district court under POCSO Act and sentenced for life. 34 out of 42 girls in Muzaffarpur Shelter Home that he…